Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Naked Ladies...

Yeah, I knew that would catch someone's attention. PERV! Well, this is about nudity of sorts, I'm going to post my first moments of up close and personal airbrush action. My first masterpiece is on a big cardboard box, my friend painted some flame outlines and a '3' in black when he was showing me how to spray and add paint to the gun. I did the rest of the work, just goofing around, added color, made a flame stencil I used in the lower left corner-looks dorky but I was was a blast!

Where is the nudity? Well, I'm not one of those who sits at their computer in the buff, though I know a few who are...all men strangely enough, and that is terrain I refuse to explore, thus preserving my innocence and our friendship. I wonder how an anonymous poll would turn out on that subject? Do I reallllly want to know? No. Let's forage ahead, shall we?

The little vintage cowgirl image is taken from a Jerry Thompson pinup calendar from 1954 which was my reference material for the lower images you will see if you are not lazy and scroll down.

It's a poor image, yes I know, quit complaining. It was the only online reference I was able to scare up for you. Squint at it and it looks better. There you go.

Here is a picture of my second time using the airbrush...well, it's a compilation of a few weeks of fits and starts with them (I say 'them' because I broke the first one, the second one I didn't like and I finally ended up finishing off with a brand new brush direct from the Taiwan factory).
It was painted on a wrecked auto hood, and wass only for practice to see if I could use an airbrush, photos taken right after I added some really bad blond hair, also before I redid her face for the 4th time. She was one fugly lil buckerette there for a while. I was able to airbrush contours on her face but not do detail such as eyes, nostril and mouth, so those I did with a traditional hair brush, each eye is half the size of a fat ladybug. I guess it is possible to do detail that minute with an airbrush, but you won't be seeing any from me for a while.

The above picture is more true to the actual color, the hat and shoe are a light lavender, the hood is fire engine red. The next picture darker than the actual image by quite a few shades, the light switch is left so you can use it for scale. The hair is NOT FINISHED, in fact it's not really started, what you see is not there, it is an illusion. I'm getting tips from seasoned veterans of the airbrush war, which should help me immensely, if not all my pinups and animals will be bald, perhaps start a new trend. Bald can be tres sexxxeee!

Some detail of the face. Before you go getting all worked up, that is NOT her boob to the left of her left arm, it is only a glare spot from the flash. Nice try though. PERV.

I am guessing her face is less than an inch high, so cut me some slack on my inability to use an airbrush to paint the entire thing. Dammitall you are a purist, perhaps if you ceased hounding me I could get some practice in. Go away and go put some clothes on for God's sake.


Clance' McClannahan said...

You are doing fabulous...I am telling you...we need to run away to Quartzite!!
Are you getting my emails at the gmail address?...I sent you several.

theStewartFan said...

Kinda reminds me of the vintage Nose Art they used to paint on the WWII airplanes (mainly bombers). I had started to collect some, as they are a reminder of the "politically incorrect" Air Force; one they can't erase.

Like the photo of Tony, assuming your a StewartFan, too? Going to be stopping by (the site) quite a bit. I got your link from clance'. If you don't mind, I'll follow at a distance.....

Follow as close as you'd like at theStewartFan

Anonymous said...

Clance sent me're an I don't sit nekkid at my computer. Peace, Mike.

Loralai said...

Drat, I forgot I had gmail Clance. Oy, I need a keeper, preferably one strong on organizational skills. Yeah, it's been a loooong time since I've been to the PowWow at Quartzite. Been too darn cold in the shop to paint, though it's warmed up to 29F, might get some things done. Now I need to scare up the gmail info and see if I can retrieve my email!

stewartfan, thanks I've been studying the noseart, the guy who gave me the airbrush I painted her with is a massive fan of anything that has an engine and flies, and has loaned me a noseart book. I have already got a few pinup books, one a great Vargas bio with lots of pix.

I was just talking with Chris, the airplane buff, today about how the aces would wear their hats pulled low and cocked to one side, and how the "new" military is less for being so "PC".

That photo of Tony is a cute one, I found it on the airbrush forum I belong to, one of the posters there took it and put it up. I like Tony, I've been to his hometown, but it was before I knew who he was, it was on a genealogy trip. I admire Tony's skill as a racer, he's one of the best.

Hey thanks for stopping by, I totally forgot I had a blog til tonight. I'll try to do better and post more often. You can follow wherever you feel most comfortable.

mike marshall, I am sometimes an artist, or I try to be. Artists tell me I'm an illustrator, illustrators tell me I'm an artist. I am in a creative no-man's land, a virtual orphan of the arts.

Are you SURE you don't sit nekkid at your computer? I guess I need to update my monitoring equipment, or clean the remote cam lenses. ;) Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you here again.